Thursday, April 2, 2009

First Art Lesson

Move over, Picasso! There's a new child prodigy in town . . . and it all begins with the first wax crayon - a splash of colour here, a naturalistic depiction of lines and squiggles there, and VOILA! A masterpiece is born! What's that? I'm a little too optimistic, you say? Maybe . . . but considering my degree is in sculpting, I have my hopes set high . . . but until her debut appearance at the Guggenheim, I'm happy to let her explore the world around. Art is, afterall, about discovery!

Such concentration!


Christie Gordon said...

Well, she is already surpassing me in the art department! What expression of color and lines!! In my opinion, Angelica is MUCH better than MirĂ³!!

Anonymous said...

She just looks like a cute baby artist~~! :)